I am going to let out most of my feeling on this one. Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I get angry a lot. As you should know, I am a very sensitive person. When you yell at me, I cry and tell my friends about my problem. When you do ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, I will get angry. Ask my friends. My friends will answer you by saying, “She is a very sensitive person and she has anger issues. When she gets angry, she will pinch or bite someone.” So for this blog to actually make sense to the title, I’m going to name most, if not all, the things that I get mad, angry, and FURIOUS at. Here we go!
#1 People yelling at me
#2 People coughing or sneezing by me or on me
#3 My brothers (don’t ask. It’s just in general)
#4 Mean people in my Health class
#5 Teachers who yell at me (not to the whole class, but to me in general)
#6 Teachers who randomly pick on m when they know that I’m thinking of the answer
#7 People who play with my long, long hair
#8 People who take something from me without my permission
#9 People who eat my food
#10 People who say that I should cut my long, long hair
#11 The popular kids
#12 People who brag a lot
#13 People who talk in the middle of movies (one of my aunts)
#14 People who don’t put their blinkers on (cars)
#15 People who text while driving
#16 People who spoil the book you’re reading
#17 People who spoil the movie you’re watching
#18 People who space out while you talk to them for at least ten minutes and they ask you to repeat it
#19 People who wear shorts in winter
#20 People who gave me stuff but decided they want it back (they gave it to you for a reason!)
#21 People who chew with their mouth open
#22 People who blurt out in class
#23 People who look over my shoulder
#24 People who tell me that I’m TOO sensitive
#25 People who tell me I get ANGRY easily
#26 People who copy off my homework
#27 Who stare at you for no reason
#28 People who poke you multiple times, just to say hi
#29 People who trip, shove, or push you without saying sorry
#30 People who make fun of your opinions or favorite movies or books
That’s most of he things that I get mad at. Now before I blow your head up, I shall finish this up. Also because I gotta go to sleep. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
ReplyDeleteHi it's me Kristin. I get mad at most of the things you do too. But, I never let me anger get the best of me. Do you? I think I probably have some sort of anger issues. Anyway, how many brother's do you have? I have four brothers. Trust me, I get your pain. Are there any other things you get mad at? I get mad when people accuse me of something I didn't do. Anyways, check me out at https://edublogs.org/# .