Monday, December 18, 2017
Insensitive Day
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and my fingers are tired so my hands don’t want to work properly which is amazing because I could still write this blog. Anyway, Insensitive day is where we get an award for getting a good grades. You get to pick a room where you either watch a movie, do excercise, and other things. I chose the room where you just watch a movie. I chose to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I chose it because since I already seen the movie, I could just sleep throughout the 2 hours and 40 minutes. It’s the real one if you were wondering, not the cartoon one. I also chose it because the electronics room and the gym will be crowded with crazy people. Would you want to be trampled by people who are stronger and older than you? NO!!! So I tried to pick the most comfortable room I could find. Imma go try to find something to do other than fall asleep. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
How to be Productive
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I’m in somewhat in a good mood since I got to wear my pajamas to school, but I’m also in a bad mood because people said that I was in a fit. Well what did I do? I bit someone. Just kidding, I just pinched someone. Anyway, I have to talk to you about how to be productive while you’re on break. Well, all I do during break is make my Christmas presents for people in my family and sleep. So I’ll tell you what I don’t usually do during break, be productive! So I gotta tell you a goal that I could probably do to keep being productive. So my goal to accomplish before winter break is over is to finish some Goosebumps books from the series since my sister has most of the books besides the new ones. Some non-school related goals are to finish crocheting people’s Christmas presents, which are scarves and such. That’s all the things tha5 I could say before my fingers will be dead. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
Monday, December 11, 2017
Halo everybody my name is Fabio and I will be talking to you guys about forgiveness. You should know that I am a person that will hole a grudge for a long amount on time. I’m still mad at my brother for ruining my 10th birthday. If you’re wondering how he got me mad, it was because we were at church and we were supposed to hold hands. He was standing next to me and right before we held hands, he sneezes a boogery sneeze right on his hand. We had to hole hands for 30 to 60 seconds. After we let go, I ran to the bathroom as quick as I can to wash my hands with 80 pumps of soap. Anyway, forgiveness means letting people say sorry and you forgive them, or something like that. What forgiveness means to me is, finding your mistakes and trying to fix your problems so the problem doesn’t get worse. That’s all my brain can say for today so, yeah. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I’m felling very angry. In a subject, I’m not going to say which one, but in a subject, I sit at a table filled with people that I either don’t like or barely know. Only one person from that table is the only person I would be able to probably get along with. He is the only nice boy or person that I know. Anyway... I am going to talk to you about honesty. Honesty means telling the truth even if you don’t want to say it. It’s like saying to your teacher that you hate the seating chart and you want to sit somewhere else where there are people that you actually know. Or maybe, telling your sibling that you hate their bad habit of shaking your leg and then that makes it shake the whole entire car. If you’re honest to me, I will probably not like the truth but it’s good that you will be honest to me. Here’s something to know in life, if the truth is bad and you know that the person wouldn’t like to hear it, lead the conversation with something good first, then slowly break it down to them. They will still get mad, but not as much as they usually do. I forgot one thing. Honesty means to me, you rather tell the truth than to get into more trouble than you already are. Remember, I love hot chips and I like to bite people, bye bye!
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Actual Things That Make Me ANGRY
I am going to let out most of my feeling on this one. Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I get angry a lot. As you should know, I am a very sensitive person. When you yell at me, I cry and tell my friends about my problem. When you do ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING, I will get angry. Ask my friends. My friends will answer you by saying, “She is a very sensitive person and she has anger issues. When she gets angry, she will pinch or bite someone.” So for this blog to actually make sense to the title, I’m going to name most, if not all, the things that I get mad, angry, and FURIOUS at. Here we go!
#1 People yelling at me
#2 People coughing or sneezing by me or on me
#3 My brothers (don’t ask. It’s just in general)
#4 Mean people in my Health class
#5 Teachers who yell at me (not to the whole class, but to me in general)
#6 Teachers who randomly pick on m when they know that I’m thinking of the answer
#7 People who play with my long, long hair
#8 People who take something from me without my permission
#9 People who eat my food
#10 People who say that I should cut my long, long hair
#11 The popular kids
#12 People who brag a lot
#13 People who talk in the middle of movies (one of my aunts)
#14 People who don’t put their blinkers on (cars)
#15 People who text while driving
#16 People who spoil the book you’re reading
#17 People who spoil the movie you’re watching
#18 People who space out while you talk to them for at least ten minutes and they ask you to repeat it
#19 People who wear shorts in winter
#20 People who gave me stuff but decided they want it back (they gave it to you for a reason!)
#21 People who chew with their mouth open
#22 People who blurt out in class
#23 People who look over my shoulder
#24 People who tell me that I’m TOO sensitive
#25 People who tell me I get ANGRY easily
#26 People who copy off my homework
#27 Who stare at you for no reason
#28 People who poke you multiple times, just to say hi
#29 People who trip, shove, or push you without saying sorry
#30 People who make fun of your opinions or favorite movies or books
That’s most of he things that I get mad at. Now before I blow your head up, I shall finish this up. Also because I gotta go to sleep. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
#1 People yelling at me
#2 People coughing or sneezing by me or on me
#3 My brothers (don’t ask. It’s just in general)
#4 Mean people in my Health class
#5 Teachers who yell at me (not to the whole class, but to me in general)
#6 Teachers who randomly pick on m when they know that I’m thinking of the answer
#7 People who play with my long, long hair
#8 People who take something from me without my permission
#9 People who eat my food
#10 People who say that I should cut my long, long hair
#11 The popular kids
#12 People who brag a lot
#13 People who talk in the middle of movies (one of my aunts)
#14 People who don’t put their blinkers on (cars)
#15 People who text while driving
#16 People who spoil the book you’re reading
#17 People who spoil the movie you’re watching
#18 People who space out while you talk to them for at least ten minutes and they ask you to repeat it
#19 People who wear shorts in winter
#20 People who gave me stuff but decided they want it back (they gave it to you for a reason!)
#21 People who chew with their mouth open
#22 People who blurt out in class
#23 People who look over my shoulder
#24 People who tell me that I’m TOO sensitive
#25 People who tell me I get ANGRY easily
#26 People who copy off my homework
#27 Who stare at you for no reason
#28 People who poke you multiple times, just to say hi
#29 People who trip, shove, or push you without saying sorry
#30 People who make fun of your opinions or favorite movies or books
That’s most of he things that I get mad at. Now before I blow your head up, I shall finish this up. Also because I gotta go to sleep. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I will be talking to you about my anger issues. If you know me, a family member, a friend, an animal that I barked at, you would know that I am a very sensitive person. If you yell at me, I won’t talk to you for the rest of the day. I will also probably cry. If you make me angry, such as: just being near me, when it is the end of the day and I go on the bus, I tell my friends that I really want to bite somebody. No, I don’t harm anybody... Or at least I don’t harm the good people. Next topic! I get angry at anybody who gets on my nerves. I know what you’re going to say. “Oh relax, just ignore them. You’re too sensitive.” I KNOW I’M SENSITIVE!
*Deep breathes * Okay, I just have to calm down and relax. Here’s the thing about growing up though, STREES NEVER GOES AWAY! You have stress once you get in middle school, all the way until you retire and don’t have to do anything anymore besides bake cookies for your grandchildren. I can’t wait till I’m 63. 51 more years to go until I get to retire. Before I get into my life and world problems, I will go now. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
*Deep breathes * Okay, I just have to calm down and relax. Here’s the thing about growing up though, STREES NEVER GOES AWAY! You have stress once you get in middle school, all the way until you retire and don’t have to do anything anymore besides bake cookies for your grandchildren. I can’t wait till I’m 63. 51 more years to go until I get to retire. Before I get into my life and world problems, I will go now. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
#3 Slice of Life
So apparently, I was supposed to write only about ten seconds, not one day. So I gotta Write something else. At least I can past the time by writing this blog post. Here we go! So everyday, I brush my hair before I go to school since my hair gets tangled easily. So one day, I was just brushing my hair, trying to get the tangles out, trying not to be bald, trying to keep my hair all on my head. I was brushing and brushing and suddenly, my brush is stuck in my hair. I just think that it was a little knot so I just pulled on the brush. “OW!” It felt like I had just ripped my hair out of my scalp. I thought I was going to be bald! I carefully took my hair off the brush and I tried to take the knot out by hand. I forgot to put this in the beginning, but this is when me and my sister are in the living room watching Criminal Minds. So before I was finished untangling my hair, a bug flew out of it. My sister just stared at me and i just looked back at her. “Oh well,” I said. “At least it wasn’t big.” It looked like a moth. I washed my hair with a lot of conditioner that night. That’s all the time I got today folks. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!
Map Testing
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and i will be talking to you about my Map testing and how bad or good I did on my tests. So, we did math testing first and I am at an eleventh grade or tenth grade level. In general I am at a high school level. On math, I only went up five but that is still good. You get to win a prize if you go up two or more points on two or all of your tests. There are only three tests so you have to try really hard. You also have to try really hard because these grades go to the high school that you are going to go to. It’s only two or three more years until I go to high school so i gotta try really hard to get a good application for when I go to collage. I want to be a vet when i grow up because I love animals and also my sister is going top collage to be a vet. Off topic. Anyway, I went up five points on my math test, but I only went up three on my reading or whatever the test we did test. My brain is going to explode so I’m going to stop talking about taking tests. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
Another Slice Of Life
Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I will talk to you about getting my dog and then I will talk to you about getting my other dog. So you guys know about Seth my dog right? Well, Seth is a Dutch Shepard and well, he looked lonely. We would always leave the house for school, work, stores, and for church. So when me and my sister were done with our volunteering shift, we decided to go look at the dogs in the kennel. We saw a brother and sister that were terrier mixes and they were only four months old! So we saw the sister, Nancy, and she was looking very shy. We saw the brother, Will, and at least he was by the gate. So, we asked the other volunteers if we can see him and so they told us to go fill out an adoption application, and that’s what we did. So me and my sister filled out the form so they told us to wait by the yard where we were just waiting. We saw the cute little black creature in the arms of some one of the volunteers’ arms. She put him on the ground and he just jumped in our laps. I got to hold him and he was literally just a tiny version of Seth, my bigger, three year old dog. It was just a Seth that you can hold. His coat was black with brown highlights, just like Seth. We told our parents about him and me and my family went to the shelter once again. My family brought Seth along just to see if they want to make friends or not. For some reason Seth was drulling more than usual. Oh well. Anyway, we said that we wanted to adopt him. He is coming to my house this coming Friday. So in two days, he will be at my house waiting for me when I come home from school. That’s all the time I got today people. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
Friday, December 1, 2017
Create a Superhero
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s Fabio! Hey wassup guys, I’m Fabio and I will be telling you a story about a strong hero who saves the world and loves his family. Let’s get started!
The sun has just risen. People were getting robbed all throughout the night. Nobody knew about this besides a man with the most beautiful, long, dark brown hair. His name was... FABIO
Fabio was a bootiful man with a beautiful wife named Stephanie and and lovely daughter named Riley. He loves to crochet and when somebody’s in trouble, he will stop in his path and wrap the criminal up in yarn. Yes it seems crazy but he loves to wrap them up in colorful yarn. He’s like Spider-Man but with yarn. During the day, he sells scarves and blankets at his own store called “Fabio’s Land.” During the night, he fights criminals and gives them the right consequence. He loves to bring justice to the world. That’s all the time I got today folks, kids, dogs, cats, carrots, and other things. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
The sun has just risen. People were getting robbed all throughout the night. Nobody knew about this besides a man with the most beautiful, long, dark brown hair. His name was... FABIO
Fabio was a bootiful man with a beautiful wife named Stephanie and and lovely daughter named Riley. He loves to crochet and when somebody’s in trouble, he will stop in his path and wrap the criminal up in yarn. Yes it seems crazy but he loves to wrap them up in colorful yarn. He’s like Spider-Man but with yarn. During the day, he sells scarves and blankets at his own store called “Fabio’s Land.” During the night, he fights criminals and gives them the right consequence. He loves to bring justice to the world. That’s all the time I got today folks, kids, dogs, cats, carrots, and other things. Remember, I love hot chips, bye bye!
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