Wednesday, September 20, 2017

We Movement

   There was this guy named Reggie and he told us about the We Movement. He told us about how the  We Movement is people and kids helping out in the community. He told us that there was this kid and I forgot the kid's name but his mother thought that these people were going to bring him to a good school that will feed him and take good care of him. His mother didn't have any education and she wanted her son to have a good education so she signed the papers without reading them. Turns out, the men who said that they were going to take care of him, instead, they brought him to a carpenter place to be a slave. Once he got out of being a slave, he spread the word for children being slaves. Somebody didn't like him because he was bringing the business at the carpenting place closer and closer to closing, so, the owner of that place murdered the kid. He got murderd at twelve just by spreading the word for enslaving people. Children of all ages are dying by being salves, dirty water, starvation, shelter, and lots and lots more. The WE Movement is going to different communities to help build shelters and bring canned foods to people who don't have anything. If you want to join the WE Movement, go on Just remember, I love hot chips! Bye bye!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your post about the WE movement this week. It was very detailed and well written.
