Friday, February 23, 2018

Argumentative Essay

     Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I will be talking to you about an essay talking about agressissive dog breeds. People think some dog breeds are aggressive and scary. They think that because the dog is big, looks scary and has long sharp teeth. Dogs, such as Rottweiler and Pit Bulls are misunderstood. They get labeled as aggressive, scary, violent dog breeds and it’s not their faults. One reason why they act all scary is because they are trained to be that way. The owners train them to be hunters and train them to be violent. Another reason why they are aggressive is because they get neglected and they don’t get cared for. If you get hit everyday and get yelled at everyday, wouldn’t you get a little angry and try to get the respect you earn? There is one more reason that isn’t necessarily anybody’s fault, dogs get territorial and get aggressive when they see something or someone that they don’t know or don’t like. If a dog looks out the window out to the street, they start to bark when somebody passes by. If a dog passes by, they start to bark even more because they want to play with that’s all the time I got today. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!

1 comment:

  1. These sound like really good reasons for your argument. I look forward to reading your paper. Thank you for sharing your post this week.
