Wednesday, January 31, 2018


     Halo everybody, my name is Fabio and I will talk to you about this one particular day with a substitute teacher. What is a substitute you may ask. A substitute is when someone isn’t there and they take your place or someone’s place for the day. Anyway, there was this one day when there was this substitute in this one specific class. So when we went into class, all the teacher said was “Do the homework.” That’s technically all she said besides what we do after we finish. After she said it, she sat down and went right on her phone. Man that’s an easy job. She was also eating some pretzels. Anyway, while we were doing the homework that she assigned, the whole entire class was quite. Nobody talked and it was very awkward. That’s my life, awkward. Substitutes have it so easy... depending on how obnoxious the kids are. Maybe if I can’t make my dream come true by being a vet or crocheting, I’ll be a substitute. Or maybe I could tech with one of my teachers. We’ll see in the future. That’s all the time I got today. Remember, I like hot chips, bye bye!

1 comment:

  1. It does sound like the substitute teacher had a relatively easy day working with you guys. I would like you to think about how hard it might be for them as well. It's a little scary coming in to teach a class of kids you've never met before, right? Luckily, it sounds like you guys were really well behaved for her, which I always love to hear. Thank you for sharing your post this week
